

Jul 27, 2022

These are the most searched and asked-in-class expressions and words by Spanish students. Learn how to express them in our language.
Dec 20, 2021

Learn about how "haber" works as a standalone verb to express existence and obligation in expressions like "hay", "haber que" and more with our handy guide!
Jun 30, 2021

Learn what job recruiters are looking for when you're applying for a job in Spanish, you'll be amazed by the differences! Also, enjoy listening to the hilarious experiences Merly and Andrea have had during job interviews.
May 11, 2021

If you want to apply for a job in Latin America in Spanish, or you are just curious to see the differences between a Spanish and English resume, this is the post for you!
Apr 27, 2021

If you're unsure about when to use each of the adverbs "ya", "todavía" and "aún", be sure to check out this lesson. We promise you'll finally get it!
Mar 26, 2021

Everybody knows there are fundamental differences between the Spanish spoken in Latin America and the one from our mother land. Listen to this conversation between our teachers and learn five of the most important of these differences.
Mar 03, 2021

In part 1 of our series on the Spanish word "lo", we looked at its use as a neutral article. In part 2, we examine its use as a direct object pronoun. Understanding and mastering all the uses of "lo" is extremely important for all Spanish learners!
Feb 10, 2021

With Valentine's day coming up, learn a bit about how dating works in Latin America as Merly and Andrea discuss the topic in this week's podcast episode.
Jan 22, 2021

Listen to our teachers Andrea and Merly talking about the road that led them to teach Spanish as a second language, what they like and dislike about it, their favorite Spanish topics and the kind of students they most enjoy teaching.
Jan 12, 2021

Saying that you "like" something or someone in Spanish is quite different from English. Learn about the two most common verbs for expressing like/dislike, "gustar" and "caer bien/mal".
Dec 20, 2020

The winter holiday season is a time for celebration for many people around the world, as part of many different traditions. Pick up some festive vocabulary and learn about the December holiday traditions of Colombia, Venezuela and Canada as Merly, Andrea and Michael talk about how they celebrate in their countries!
Dec 03, 2020

Just because it has a salacious meaning in some contexts doesn't mean you need to avoid the word "caliente" like the plague! Learn how to use this word confidently without embarrassment.
Oct 20, 2020

If there were one word to describe the Holy Grail of language learning, it would be "fluency". Read our tips on how to reach fluency in Spanish, and listen to Michael and Andrea chat about how they became fluent in their second languages in our podcast!
Aug 18, 2020

Understanding spoken Spanish is hard! Get better at it with our awesome guide.
Jun 23, 2020

In English, the word "could" can be used to politely ask for something, to talk about being able to do something or to express possibility. How is this done in Spanish? Find out with our handy guide!
Jun 11, 2020

Learn all about expressions like "lo bueno", "lo de ayer" and "lo que", including the grammar needed to create new expressions like these yourself!
Apr 07, 2020

Although "tocar" in Spanish means "to touch", it also has a variety of other meanings that its English counterpart does not.
Mar 22, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic is the talk of the world right now. Learn the important vocabulary to speak to your Spanish speaking friends and understand Spanish language news coverage of the ongoing crisis.
Feb 20, 2020

Ask questions in Spanish like a native with our guide to using two of the most common words in Spanish: "qué" and "cuál".
Dec 12, 2019

Learn how to handle these English and Spanish words that are similar, but not exactly the same.
Nov 11, 2019

"Estar alto"? "Ser soltero"? Learn how perception can affect the already tricky choice between the verbs "ser" and "estar".
Sep 28, 2019

"Quedar" is one of the most common and versatile verbs in Spanish. Learn to use it like a native.
Sep 27, 2019

"Ni idea" how to use this word? Learn the grammar of this 2-letter conjunction and see some of the most common expressions it appears in.
Sep 26, 2019

Expressing change in Spanish (to become angry, to become a lawyer, etc) is not a straightforward translation from English. "Become" an expert at it with these 6 verbs.
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